24h Sunrise/Sunset, 2020-2025
Installation showing 24h/7 a realtime sunset and sunrise with the use of CCTV, 2020
“24h Sunrise/Sunset” is an installation that displays a realtime sunset and sunrise somewhere happening in the world with the use of CCTV.
Hardware: Raspberry Pi 3B+, Arduino Nano Every , custom PCB, power supply’s, VFD displays, lasercut metal and LEDs.
Software: Python 3 & Firebase realtime databases
Changelog of the installation
v1. Release at St. Moritz with the support of the city of St. Moritz and Riverside Culture
v2. Final edition created in collaboration with Shishani Vranckx and supported by IDFA DocLab and the Netherlands Film Fund. Premiere during IDFA DocLab in November 2020 in Amsterdam and online.
Nominated for the awards:
– IDFA DocLab Competition for Digital Storytelling
– IDFA Competition for Creative Use of Archive
I wanted to show that unsecured CCTV cameras can also show something beautiful.
Follow me on Instagram for new projects: https://www.instagram.com/driesdepoorter/
Commisioned by
- City of St.Moritz and Netherlands Film Fund